If you've ever enjoyed a Shirley Temple, it was no doubt due to the flavor of grenadine, a syrup made from the juice of the pomegranate. The pomegranate tree, a bushy, sometimes thorny deciduous plant, thrives in hot, dry summers. The seeds of the fruit are easy to germinate and grow. The pomegranate tree is hardy to USDA zone 7.
Step 1
Cut open the pomegranate, then remove the seeds and place them in a colander. Run cool, fresh water over them until all traces of pulp are removed. Any pulp left on the seeds can cause the seeds to rot.

Step 2
Crush the outer coat, or aril, of the seeds and place them on a paper towel to dry.

Step 3
Pour the soil mix into a pot to within 3/4 of an inch of the top. Water the soil until it is saturated, then allow the water to drain well.

Step 4
Push the seeds, three to a pot, 1 inch into the soil. Cover the pot with a plastic bag and secure it with a rubber band or twist tie.

Step 5
Place the plastic-wrapped pot in a sunny location between 70 and 80 degrees F. Your pomegranate seeds should germinate in four to six weeks.

Step 6
Remove the pot from the plastic bag when the seeds have sprouted. Transplant the pomegranate seedlings into the garden eight weeks after germination.

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